Where? The course note shop is located in the student lounge: the rooms near the stairway leading to the library. The shops located behind the moving door, on your right. (00.05)

When? The course note shop is opened on Tuesday and Thursdays, between 1 and 2 PM. If you can’t make it, please send an email to cursusdienst@katechetika.be.

You can only pay cash. Members of Katechetika, who bought a membership card receive a discount on coursebooks and activities.

Feminist Theologies (Annemie Dillen): €6 for members/€8 for non members
Church and Theology (Wim François): €8 for members/€10 for non members
Interreligieuze dialoog (Marianne Moyaert): €7 for members/€9 for non members
Christelijke gemeenschap, identiteit en spriritualiteit (Marc Steen): €4 for members/€5 for non members
Developments in Theological Ethics (Yves De Maeseneer): €6 for members/€8 for non members
Spiritualiteit in de grote religieuze ordes (Anthony Dupont): €5 for members/€7 for non members
Introduction to Psychology of Religion (Piet Verhagen): €5 for members/€7 for non members
Katechetika mok: €10
Codex: €10
Katechetika schild: €5
Houten kruisjes: €3
Boekje Lemmelijn: €15
Truien KU-Leuven: €30
Richtlijnen voor het schrijven van scripties en masterproeven: GRATIS